Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Yesterday morning I looked out the window and was able to see gray sky, but over to the west was BLUE! AND THE EDGE OF A CLOUD IN THE DISTANCE!!!

After 2 weeks of totally gray sky and nothing else but the smell of smoke, the warnings not to go outside without a mask of N95, a bit of light blue and a cloud was so wonderful.  It is one of those experiences that you have to live to really understand the emotion.  I could understand how people in East USA feel when they talk of cabin fever.  Living in California most of my life, weather is not really exciting.  Good Morning America weather guys are always talking about the East Coast, so hot and frying eggs on sidewalks, so cold (it is 7 degrees F in New York today) floods, tornados, hurricanes and etc.

2 weeks ago, a horrible fire blew, literally blew 100 yards a second, a fire across the land and through several small towns in Northern California.  These towns have been there since the 1850s, the time of the Gold Rush!  One one side of Paradise (which I heard had been originally named "Pair of Dice", but changed it's name later to be more respectable) has mountains and the other side, a canyon.  Because of this they had one main road going in and another going out.  The town is basically gone now.  But the fire isn't and the smoke has gone up and with the inversion has just stayed there, stuck.

The Golden Gate Bridge was in such thick smoke you couldn't see it from Baker Beach.  I used a tree a street over from us to judge how bad the air quality was every morning.  I just found out this morning that tree still has lots of light yellow leaves on it, it has been looking so gray and indistinct I thought it was just gray branches I was seeing. 

But, back to being thankful, our air quality has gone from in the 200s to 38 just before the rain when the breeze started blowing the smoke out.  100 is considered unhealthy and a year ago our air quality was 38 with people burning in their fireplaces.  So it was such a joy to be able to see a cloud again!  And then it rained yesterday, so great!  And everyone was so happy!  And today, beautiful BLUE sky!!And CLEAN air to enjoy!  Just very essential things are to be thankful for. 

So hope everyone takes a nice breath of air, has enough to eat and is warm enough, and remembers to be thankful for what we have.

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