Sunday, February 27, 2011


As much as the news hyped up the possibility of snow in the SF Bay Area, I knew the chances were nill.  I did cover my succulents.  All my new plants are supposed to be able to handle down to 30F.

The snow did not show up in our part of the Bay....and more important, all plants are ok.  Bees weren't too happy though.  They decided to sleep in.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Waiting for Spring 2011

We had 3 glorious weeks that were so beautiful.  I thought I was going to have to water the flowerbeds as it was reaching around 78 degrees.  I knew better than get too excited but it was a good time to start to pull weeds since they loved the warmth too.

Tonight it is supposed to actually snow at sea level in the bay area.  It probably won't stick but everyone is looking forward to it.  Kids and parents are planning a "snow day"!

My daughter and I have been checking out Annie's Annuals catalogue.  Lots of things on the wish list!