Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mourning Dress - Embellishments Part 2

Today I spent most of the time at the Railroad Faire at Ardenwood.  Tons of fun.  The Railroad people had a couple of old small engines pulling cars with lots of guests in them.  Lots of kids!! The model railroad people had their models all set up in the farmyard and in the granary!  And wouldn't you know it, I forgot my camera.   And!  The music box people had music boxes, big, little and in between set up on the lawn and in the house.  And of course, the calliope was in the gazebo give the whole place such a fun atmosphere!

And the house!  My gosh did we have gobs of people to give tours to, especially in the late afternoon.  By the time I was done and the park was closing my feet were really hurting!

So, I let my feet rest when I got home by sitting and pressing the pleats again for good measure. Then I sewed them to the bottom of the skirt.

So, here is the skirt with the pleats attached to the bottom........really hard to see anything in black!

Close up view
 And then I decided I would try an embelishment of gathers on the front of the skirt.  I am going to baste them on first.

I may not like how it ends up looking,  but I got the idea from a couple of period mourning dresses.  You have to look really hard to see it.  It looks like it is on an apron but I don't plan on doing that.

Here I have it just hanging on the skirt to see how it looks.

Then I plan on doing something with the sleeves.

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