Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our Bees Swarmed!

This is our little bee hive in our back yard.  It looks very quiet in the picture because the swarm has left and the sun is starting to set so the 2/3's left in the hive are going to bed.  But earlier this afternoon things were really buzzing.  Silly me, I didn't think of taking a picture, but the girls were deciding on who was going with the new queen vs. those staying with the old queen.
Those deciding to go with the new queen gathered together and flew off to the neighbors bushy tree with the new queen.  Honey bees are very docile when swarming because they are intent on gathering together around the new queen and finding a new home.
It took about 45 minutes before they all settled down into a ball around the new queen right in the center of the tree branches. Wouldn't you know it would have to be in a difficult spot.

Our son-in-law and grandson, aka George, The Bee Man and Luke, The Bee Man, Jr., came over to try to get the bees to put them into a new hive.  Since it was to difficult to reach them where the bees  were in the tree, they put a hive up on the roof in the back of the playhouse and added a chemical that will attract the bees that have swarmed.  The hive is up high to help them find it.  So tomorrow we will find out if they decided that hive will make a good home.
If they do decide to move in, George and Luke will move the hive to a better location.  Stay tuned for further news updates!

Meanwhile, Dear Hubby was giving out treats to Isis and Titi.  What spoiled chickens!

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